New Life Ministries Church has been appointed for a time such as this with a passion to reach lost people, with a timely message of hope in Christ, and encouraging those who already believe in Christ to become effective Christians through ministry, outreach, education and fellowship.

We are committed to guiding people to a closer personal relationship with Jesus Christ and have purposed to teach the uncompromised word of God (the Bible) effectively so that people know how to apply it to their lives. We have a comprehensive vision to become a light for Christ in this community and be able to be a blessing to those the Lord allows to cross our path. We are diligent to the cause of Christ and to God's love of people.

We hope that our enthusiasm for Christ has been conveyed to you and that you will come and see what we're all about. You are welcome!

New Life Ministries Church is a spiritual family that is bound together by love for our Savior, and by His Spirit. We are dedicated to the mission that the Church is the body of Christ here on earth and has the responsibility and duty to carry out His work, bringing Him glory and honor. 

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